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Tag Archives: Beauty

What is positive thinking?

Positive thinking is thinking, feeling, or looking with hope that good things will happen in the future. both to oneself and others. This is considered to be the power of thought that will help overcome bad situations. Thinking positively can begin easily by thinking or talking to yourself

Preventing insomnia.

Solutions for insomnia should be considered based on the severity of the symptoms. If you can’t sleep for no more than 1 week. Or if you only have symptoms insomnia during certain periods. That are affected by various factors, and you don’t have continuous, chronic symptoms. People

Impact of stress on health.

When people are exposed to stress. The body releases chemicals and hormones that trigger symptoms, thoughts, or behaviors in response to that stress. In some cases, stress is good for the body. Because it makes the body awake. This is the body’s mechanism for adjusting balance for survival. And helps promote

Are saunas really useful?

In the past, saunas may have been popular because they were places where people in the neighborhood met and talked. But nowadays there is research on the benefits of sitting in a hot room and steaming. Therefore, many people are interested in going to a sauna